In accord with Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Guidelines, PT Bandarudara Internasional Jawa Barat attempt to implement the GCG roles through these principles:

  1. Transparency, the principle to be open to disclouse of the information from the Company which is easy to access and understandable by the stakeholders.
  2. Accountability, a principle to perform transparently and fair, by managing correctly, accurate and correspond with the Company interests.
  3. Responsibility, a principle to carry on obligation, as well as obeying the rule of law and be responsible to the society and environments.
  4. Independence, a principle to manage the Company independently so as to make each of the structures involved does not dominated each other and interrupted by other parties.
  5. Fairness and Equality, a principle where in carrying out the activities, the Company must concern to the interests of the shareholders and other stakeholders based on fairness and equality, including equal chances in employees hiring, careers, and on duty assignments.