REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG - PT Bandarudara Internasional Jawa Barat (PT BIJB) ensures that Kertajati airport, Majalengka applies adequate health and safety standards related to Corona virus prevention (Covid-19). According to the President Director of PT BIJB Salahudin Rafi, before the airport became the landing site of the Diamond Princess crew from Japan on March 2, the airport had implemented procedures related to airport hygiene and health. Also Read


"We make sure Kertajati Airport is safe for passengers who will depart from and to Kertajati Airport," Salahudin said, in an official statement, Sunday (3/15).


Rafi also ensured that the airport routinely disinfects all facilities and spaces at the airport. The procedure for checking the temperature of passengers leaving and arriving at the airport has already been carried out. According to him all of these standards are in accordance with the appeal and decision of the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil.


"The KJT Airport KKP Team has made and routinely staged a number of efforts so that the airport is free from viruses, all facilities ranging from luggage, escalators, passenger waiting chairs, stairs we do disinfectants," Rafi said.


Rafi hopes that potential passengers do not worry and distrust the circulation of rumors and hoaks which report that Transportation Minister Budi Karya Soemadi contracted the corona virus on March 3 in Kertajati.


"God willing, Kertajati airport is safe, the process of landing the ABK Diamond Princess some time ago the airport security and health procedures have been carried out, even after the landing of the ABK airport at that time was immediately sterilized," said Rafi.


According to Rafi, his party has also requested that employees at the airport to remain vigilant and maintain health. And follow all preventive procedures implemented by the airport.

