
Kuningan Regency is one of the areas that is the main destination of the Region III Cirebon people and the people of West Java in general. There are many natural attractions available in Kuningan District, one of which is Bangkong Curug Tourism Object.


Curug Bangkong may still sound less familiar than Curug Putri Palutungan or Curug the Lamb. But make no mistake, Curug Bangkong has a special beauty and uniqueness. This waterfall has a height of 23 meters and a width of 3 meters with strong and strong air discharge. Even though in the dry season the water debit is still heavy.


Bangkong waterfall is a myth. This waterfall is said to have been inhabited by a giant representing the bridge of Abah Wiria, a male ascetic from Ciamis. The address is placed in the village of Kertawirama, Nusaherang District, Majalengka Regency. To ask the way to each tourist location is not enough. If you use a four-wheeled vehicle can only park the vehicle in front of the curug door only.