IHRAM.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion is targeting the construction of the Hajj Dormitory in Indramayu, West Java, to be completed by the end of December 2020 since construction began in August this year.


"It is hoped that the construction of phase 1 will be completed by the end of the year, before December 31, 2020," said the Acting Director General of Haj and Umrah Implementation of the Ministry of Religion, Oman Fathurahman, to reporters in Jakarta, Monday (14/12).


The Indramayu Hajj Dormitory is a transit facility for pilgrims from West Java who depart from Kertajati Airport. The financing for the construction of the Hajj dormitories uses the State Sharia Securities (SBSN) financing scheme.


Oman hopes that the construction of the hostel can have a positive effect on the local community, both spiritually, economically, socially and others.


"We hope that the community feels comfortable with the existence of the Hajj hostel, the economy grows and the community can experience other benefits," said Professor of Philology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi, Oman asked that the use of the Hajj hostel be widely used, including in efforts to encourage the achievement of the Ministry of Religion's mission of maintaining harmony in the local area.


Director of Domestic Haj Services Muhajirin Yanis said the plan to build the Indramayu Hajj Dormitory will last until 2024.


Phase 1 construction was projected for bedrooms, den and hall. Furthermore, other supporting facilities will be built, including a mosque, a miniature Ka'bah, a manasik studio and an airplane replica.


"We participated in designing, discussing and deciding beforehand. After seeing the results, I did not imagine that the hall could be that big. This could be an example for other Hajj dormitories," he said.


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