- BANDUNG-Budget Agency of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of West Java Province (West Java) agreed, capital participation in two BUMDs belonging to the West Java Provincial Government. Capital participation was given to two BUMDs including, PT. BIJB (West Java International Airport) and PT. Jaswita.


At the West Java Provincial DPRD Budget Board Work Meeting, the discussion on the 2021 PPAS RKUA took place in the Bale Sawala Hall Room of the West Java Province Social Service, Friday (4/9/2020).


Deputy Chairperson of the West Java Provincial DPRD, By Soleh, said that the capital statement was carried out as one of the solutions to create a better BUMD and was able to contribute to West Java Regional Original Revenue (PAD).


He emphasized that there are several notes that must be considered by the two BUMDs, namely that they must have a clear and measurable business plan. he said


In addition, Soleh is expected, with this statement of capital, it can encourage efforts to restore the economy of West Java after the impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully



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