The charm of exotic instragamable spots on the Panyaweuyan Terraces
Take a walk in natural tourist destinations, of course in the present or millennial era, various choices can be easily accessed. From visiting well-known tourist destinations in the country such as: Yogyakarta, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, Manado, Papua and other destination areas. Likewise, a traveler abroad today can easily visit with various options to the center of world tourist attractions such as: Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Europe, the Middle East and to the Holy Land - Mecca and Medina.
However, it will be felt lacking if tourists and indigenous, local and foreign tourists do not come to tourist attractions in the Majalengka area. Majalengka geographical area which is surrounded by hills adjacent to Mount Ciremai is certainly very suitable for tourists to visit.
Moreover, in the Kertajati area, an international airport has been established which will certainly support the progress of the tourism sector and the Kertajati area including the “Rebana Metropolitan” area. Of course, the development of tourism potential must continue to be developed and introduced to domestic and foreign tourists. So that this sector can also support the improvement of regional economic development and the income of citizens.
The natural tourism object that is now being discussed in the social media universe as well as the young people of Majalengka and its surroundings as well as tourists in general is the existence of the Panyaweuyan Majalengka Terraces Nature Destination. The advantages of this tourist location are because there are exotic natural views, namely: Green rice terraces and right to become an Instragramable spot for travelers to be immortalized while on location. Likewise, around this location there are already available spots for taking selfies.
For travelers who want to visit the location of this destination in Sukasari Kidul, Argapura, Majalengka Regency, West Java Province. It is 23 km away and takes 50 minutes from downtown Majalengka to the location.
Meanwhile, if the tourist journey starts from West Java International Airport (BIJB), Kertajati can take the route through Jl. Kertajati - Kadipaten and Jl. Majalengka - Cikijing for 1 hour 21 minutes with a distance of 47.1 km, a traveler will arrive at the intended tourist attraction.
The location of this natural destination is on the slopes of Mount Ciremai with the Panyeweuyan Terraced Height of up to 2000 meters above sea level, of course, providing cool, beautiful and exotic air to enjoy, so that it is guaranteed that travelers will feel more comfortable in this area.