REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG - The management of PT Bandarudara Internasional West Java (PT BIJB) continues to make efficiency in accordance with the direction of the West Java Provincial Government. The head of the BUMD and Investment Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of West Java Province, I Gusti Agung Kim Fajar Wiyati Oka, delivered the efficiency direction himself to the management who manages the Kertajati airport, Majalengka.


According to I Gusti Agung, during the pandemic the existing BUMDs had to do refocusing and regrowing using the program achievement scheme. Management is also asked to continue to analyze business opportunities that could be developed during a pandemic. "We provide flexibility," said I Gusti in Bandung, Thursday (3/9).


Meanwhile, according to the Managing Director of PT BIJB Salahudin Rafi, the direction of the BUMD and Investment Bureau continues to be carried out by his party. According to him, during the Covid-19 pandemic and the implementation of new habit adaptation (IMR) management had taken the initiative to make savings.


"Conditions like this have directions for our efficiency to do. Since flight operations have stopped, airport operating hours have decreased. We have turned off the air conditioning and lights, ”he said.


Salahudin also ensured that BIJB employee activities began to decrease since the implementation of the home work system during the pandemic and IMR. According to him, the employees are now on stand by call status. "So if needed, we contact, and employees are ready. This is also in the context of efficiency, "said Rafi.


Efforts to save, he said, will continue while waiting for the revival of transportation passengers. According to him, this August-September passengers using planes will not grow tall yet. "The average is still below 30 percent, the seats are not filled up to 100," he said.


Despite making savings, Rafi ensured that the management would continue to finalize the Umrah flight plan, which is targeted to be held in October-November. His party has also started to make preparations for the departure of Hajj 2021. "We have prepared it. Well, now the savings continue to be made while strengthening the business recovery strategy, "he said.



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