- Jakarta: President Director of West Java International Airport (BIJB) Salahudin Rafi is focusing on business lines that can still survive due to the pressure of the Covid-19 pandemic. Aircraft parking services are optimized for smooth cash flow.


"By not operating the aircraft at BIJB, we will take advantage of the existing facilities, namely the plane parking lot," said Salahudin in the MarkPlus Industry Roundtable: Infrastructure Perspective webinar, Tuesday, September 15, 2020.


According to Salahudin, his party received an abundance of requests for rental parking lots for aircraft that were originally at the Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) at Soekarno Hatta Airport. An abundance of planes from airports with less parking capacity also appeared.

"Our apron capacity can be 22 planes. We get an overflow from GMF because parking is full at Soekarno Hatta Airport and from other airports, so this can become income in addition to operating aircraft, passenger movement and cargo movement," he explained.


In addition to parking lots, BIJB can also maintain the commitment of the West Java Umrah travel federation to carry out international departures when the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is declared over. Thousands of passengers as potential Umrah pilgrims who already have visas have not asked for ticket returns.


"There are 4,000 Umrah pilgrims who already have visas and today have not returned the tickets at all, so that if Saudi Arabia opens Umrah again we will immediately fly from Kertajati. It is the commitment of the West Java Umrah travel federation to depart from Kertajati," he said.


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