, BANDUNG — Metropolitan Rebana offers 13 clusters of new city developments integrated with various thematic industries. The formulation of a spatial planning law umbrella is accelerated by the principle of prudence.


Head of the West Java Investment and Integrated Services One Stop (DPMPTSP) Noneng Komara Nengsih confirmed that investment opportunities for the development of the Rebana Metropolitan area are spread over 13 locations and clusters with a total area of ​​43,913 hectares.


Among others, Cipali West Subang; East Cipali Subang; Cipali Indramayu; Buah Dua-Tomo (Butom) Sumedang; Jatiwangi Majalengka; Kertajati Majalengka; Cirebon; Krangkeng Indramayu; Tukdana Indramayu; Balongan Indramayu; Losarang Indramayu; Patrol Indramayu; Patimban New City, Subang.


Noneng confirmed that his party did not only offer a spatial pattern, but investors were also convinced that this area would be supported by a number of conveniences and advantages. Such as regional connectivity supported by land, sea and air infrastructure.


"Escort and assistance for investors, starting from registering business licenses to assisting when reporting on investment activities," said Noneng to Bisnis, Monday (11/2/2020).


One that is routinely offered is the Kertajati aerocity area which is routinely offered to investors because in terms of space and land it is ready to be developed. Great potential awaits if the construction of direct toll access to Kertajati Airport from the Cikopo-Palimanan and Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan toll roads is completed in 2021. "This can accelerate development and interest in the aerocity area," he said.


There are at least three area managers who are ready to accept investors in Kertajati. PT BIJB, which manages a total land area of ​​3,480 hectares and has divided the land into 6 ready-to-build areas. Then, there is PT Dwipapuri Abadi through Kertajati Industrial Estate Majalengka (KIEM) with a land area of ​​400 hectares, then PT Metland with Metropolitan Kertajati Development which has 330 hectares.


"Our master plan is that the aerocity area will also be integrated with the airport area. So, the airport's Automatic People Mover System (APMS) is connected to aerocity, ”said PT BIJB President Director Salahudin Raffi.


The momentum of investment offers is also being accompanied by efforts to adjust the spatial layout in each region. Hesthi Raharja, who is involved in the preparation of an action plan for the development of the Metropolitan Rebana area, said that a number of regions have begun to complete the revision of spatial and regional planning (RTRW) and detailed spatial plans (RDTR).


He noted that Subang, Cirebon, Kuningan and Sumedang submitted 8 recommendations for RTRW maps by the Geospatial Information Agency. Where, Indramayu has completed the thematic map, Cirebon City has completed the Regional Regulation on RTDTR, while Majalengka is completing geometric corrections. "Next year we will definitely have the Patimban KPI RDTR Regional Regulation, the Jatit Tujuh-Kertajati KPI RDTR Perda," he said.


According to him, the remaining seven regions are targeted to win the governor's recommendation regarding the revision of the RDTR related to industrial designated areas (KPI) in 2021 such as Tukdana, Patrol, Krangkeng, to Buah Dua-Tomo. "The regional regulation must be in order, because if there is an investment plan for 2022 investors will not be confused," he said.


Sumedang Regent Donny Ahmad Munir on business said his party was pushing for the Buah Dua-Tomo (Butom) area to be included in the Metropolitan Rebana section. Even though Sumedang is in the Greater Bandung Metropolitan area, the position of the two sub-districts bordering Kertajati Airport, Cisumdawu and Cipali Toll Roads is worthy of being included in the area's development. "We have prepared around 4,000 hectares of Butom," he said.



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