, Kuningan - The West Java (Jabar) Provincial Government is making various efforts to ensure that the West Java International Airport (BIJB) Kertajati Majalengka continues to operate, even though there is no flight activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One way to do this is through capital participation with a value of Rp 56 billion.


This was revealed during the recess of West Java Provincial DPRD Deputy Chairperson Ineu Purwadewi Sundari in Majalengka Regency, West Java. Ineu said, in 2020 the West Java Provincial Government has proposed for capital participation for Kertajati Majalengka Airport of approximately IDR 56 billion.


"The capital participation comes from the pure APBD and changes in 2020. I forget the exact amount, but more than Rp 56 billion," said Ineu, Sunday (8/11/2020).


According to him, the quietness of the aviation industry is not only felt by BIJB. However, all airports in Indonesia in particular are experiencing a decline in the number of flights as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


"Because BIJB is new, right, so it must be helped to keep it operating. Moreover, the investment is not playing games," he said.


So far, he continued, the Provincial Government and the West Java Provincial DPRD have always supported and made efforts so that BIJB can immediately operate optimally.


"The Provincial Government and DPRD have never left BIJB, all the gaps and opportunities for improving BIJB operations have been carried out. However, because currently it is plagued by COVID-19, we can only be patient," he said.


In addition, the Regent of Majalengka, Karna Sobahi said that the lack of BIJB was due to the incomplete Cisumdawu toll road access. Including the re-diverted domestic flights to Husein Sastranegara Airport due to the pandemic.


"The BIJB, let alone the COVID-19 pandemic, after being operated, the enthusiasts are less due to the Cisumdawu toll road access," he said. (*)


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