, Majalengka - PT Pertamina (Persero) through the Marketing Operation Region (MOR) III ensures that the construction of the new Kertajati Aircraft Filling Depot (DPPU) will soon be completed and ready to support the operations of Kertajati International Airport (BIJB), Majalengka, West Java.


In order to ensure the readiness of avtur stocks and the reliability of facilities and facilities (sarfas), the Pertamina MOR III management team conducted a review at the new Kertajati DPPU on Thursday (15/10/2020). The field review was carried out while maintaining the COVID-19 health protocol led by General Manager MOR III Werry Prayogi together with related function managers.


Unit Manager Communication, Relations & CSR MOR III Eko Kristiawan said that currently the construction of the new Kertajati DPPU will continue to the commissioning stage for the apron area (aircraft yard). Through commissioning, an operational testing process will be carried out to ensure conformity to procedures. Commissioning was delayed from the previous schedule, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


"Our internal team also monitors the reliability of the DPPU's sarfas. The thing that is emphasized is seeing the readiness of the sarfas, the condition of the sarfas and equipment, and the application of safety aspects. Pertamina is doing everything possible to support the operations of BIJB Kertajati, "he said.


Eko explained, the new Kertajati DPPU has a storage capacity of 6,000 kiloliters (KL), where the tank capacity is 50 times larger than the old DPPU which only has a capacity of 120 KL.


This additional capacity was carried out because BIJB was prepared to become an international airport in the West Java region, so the DPPU's readiness to support airport development was needed.


The avtur is supplied from the Balongan Integrated Terminal in Indramayu, West Java, using a special aviation fuel tank or bridger.


“Avtur is accommodated in 3 modular tank units. Then through a tanker or refueller, it will be distributed to the aircraft, "he added.


Currently DPPU Kertajati serves refueling for Cessna 172 aircraft, as well as aircraft from government agencies.


"In a pandemic condition, where there are flight restrictions and decreased public interest in traveling, aviation fuel consumption is also corrected. However, we ensure that the readiness of aviation fuel and gas supplies at DPPU Kertajati remains safe and ready to meet the needs of the aviation industry, "said Eko.


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