- After the ground breaking for the construction of the Kertajati West Java International Airport (BIJB) Access Toll Road in early September, now the construction process has started 42 days ago.


Land clearing, land hoarding are several processes that have been passed in the toll road construction project which has a length of about 3 kilometers.


ASTRA Tol Cipali Operations Director, Agung Prasetyo, said that up to now, around 4.9 percent of the project work process has taken up a budget of Rp.692 billion.


"Currently, the development progress has been running for 42 days from the total implementation time of 305 days. The development progress has entered 4.9% consisting of land clearing, landfilling and foundations for bridges, "he said.


The toll road is targeted to start operating in November 2021. However, before it is officially used, it is hoped that it can be tested for access to the haj pilgrimage next year.


"It is expected that in July 2021 it can be used for functional testing and operational feasibility by the PUPR Ministry for the departure of West Java Province Hajj pilgrims centered at BIJB Kertajati," he explained.


Meanwhile, the BIJB Kertajati Access Toll Road will later be connected to the Cipali Toll Road, to be precise at KM 158 + 700. Apart from the Cipali toll road, the BIJB access toll road will also be connected to the Cisumdawu toll road.


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